What other busines owners say about Sheri's expertise & Service!

"Sheri gave me a time frame for completion, called me with progress reports, called me back whenever she said she would, answered all my questions, told me about features I didn't know were included with the site, and designed the site expertly. She was always a pleasure to work with, she got the job done quickly and never lost her patience with my lack of online expertise... I would highly recommend you to anyone seeking a web designer!" -Joe, owner of A1 Delivery & Hauling

Meet Sheri Mueller

Daughter of an artist and a computer programmer, Sheri realized in college that she was predisposed to be a graphic designer. Her mother taught her painting and drawing as a young child, but as she grew older she branched out into other areas of art. She graduated with her degree from Utah Valley University. Since then, she's worked in a variety of design capacities- as a web designer, print designer, project and quality manager, and a freelance graphic designer.

Sheri's avidly believes that a good designer can create any look and feel in a design- be it bold, sassy, friendly, business-like, or playful. The secret to creating the perfect design? "Just listen to the music that fits with what you want to make," Sheri says. "If you want something classy, listen to Mozart. Want something fun? Listen to They Might Be Giants. If you want your look to be gangsta, listen to Kayne West or Linkin' Park."

Sheri was born in Pennsylvania. She currently lives in Utah, next to the famous gardens at Thanksgiving Point. She lives with her HTML\CSS coding husband Peter and her darling little girl, Annabelle Christine. She loves to travel and will read any book if it holds still long enough and looks worthwhile. She can't resist anything with chocolate in it and has watched Kung-Fu Panda way too many times.

Copyright © 2011 Sheri Mueller